Resolution regarding the information required to register the EU Citizens’ initiative
Based on the fact that the peoples right to self determination is an universal human right;
With regards to the Szekler National Council’s resolution regarding EU level Citizens’ initiative, adopted on June the 3rd 2011;
Considering that the draft law of the Szekler National Council on the autonomy of Szeklerland is in accordance with the provisions of the Treaty on European Union, and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union regarding economic, territorial and social cohesion and the cultural diversity in Europe;
With regard to article 4 of the Regulation (EU) No 211/2011/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council, (henceforth referred to as the Regulation), and the Annex II of the Regulation,
the Szekler National Council Decides
I. Defines the information specified as required for registering an EU citizens’ initiative by paragraphs 1-4 of the Annex II of the Regulation as follows:
1. The title of the proposed citizens’ initiative:
The special status of regions with specific national, ethnic, religious or linguistic characteristics
2. The subject matter:
To grant special status to regions in which the majority is formed by an indigenous national minority, and which are specified by national, ethnic, religious or linguistic characteristics, that distinguishes them from the surrounding regions
3. A description of the objectives of the proposed citizens’ initiative on which the Commission is invited to act:
In the case of the regions indicated in the title - including geographic areas with no administrative competencies - , the prevention of the economic backlog, the sustainment of the development, the preservation of the conditions for their economic, social and territorial cohesion should be done in a way that guarantees their national, ethnic, religious or linguistic characteristics remain unchanged. For this purpose these regions must be provided with the institutions of regional government that are given increased competences, and possessing sufficient power to preserve the region’s characteristics, and ensure appropriate economic development, in order for the EU’s comprehensive and harmonious development could be sustained, and at the same time, its cultural diversity preserved.
4. The provisions of the Treaties considered relevant by the organizers for the proposed action:
Articles 2 and 3 of the Treaty on European Union
Title XIII, article 167 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union
Title XVIII, article 174 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union
II. Authorizes the Standing Committee of the Szekler National Council, to draw up an annex to the initiative, as well as to prepare a draft law for the submission. The annex will justify in details the rightfulness of the initiative, and its connection to the EU treaties, while the draft law must be based on the previous resolutions of the Szekler National Council, the relevant recommendations of the Council of Europe, as well as the needs of other regions of the EU keeping specific national and linguistic characteristics.
Sepsiszentgyörgy -Sfantu Gheorghe, the 19th of November 2011
The Szekler National Counci