Petition to the Romanian government
Covasna county prefect Codrin Munteanu denounced the mayor of Uzon for putting the Szekler flag on the village hall. In his court action, the prefect called the Szekler flag, the symbol of a non existent entity, and claimed that setting it is no less illegal than setting the flag of a football club or car factory on the village hall.
We would like to recall the resolution of the public prosecutor of Segesvár (Sigisoara) from august the 10th 2010, in the case of the Szekler flag set on the village hall of Makfalva (the former mayor Zsigmond Vencel also denounced six citizens of Makfalva, for setting the Szekler flag on the village hall). According to the resolution, the prosecutor asked for the opinion of the ministry of culture, which said that the blue flag with the golden band, the star and the moon is the symbol of a historic community, using it is not against the law. Based on thi opinion, the process was terminated.
What reason does Mr Codrin Munteanu have, for referring to a community that was defined two years ago as a historical community by the ministry of culture, and which is also Szeklerland's indigenous community forming the local majority, as a "non existing entity"? Taking into account the Romania authorities' earlier resolutions and statements in this matter, it's obvious that Codrin Munteanu is insulting and provoking the local population, and is instigating the country's majority population against the Szeklers, with the intention of creating national tensions in the region.
Taking these things into account, we ask the government of Romania to dismiss Codrin Munteanu, and designate a government official who is familiar with the country's laws, respects Covasna county's Szekler majority, who doesn't worsen the situation in the country by fueling national tension, and respects previous decisions adopted by the institutions of the state.
Marosvásárhely – Sepsiszentgyörgy, the 15th of October 2012.
Izsák Balázs, Gazda Zoltán,
president of the Szekler National Council president of the Szekler Council of Sepsiszék