Szekler National Council

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  • Székely Nemzeti Tanács

On the 10th of March 1854, in Marosvásárhely/Targu-Mures, on the field of Postarét, three Szekler Martyrs were executed. The college teacher Bágyi Török János, the lawyer Martonosi Gálfi Mihály and Nagyváradi Horváth Károly, members of the so called Makk-conspiration tried to revive the flame of the fallen Hungarian revolution. Their goal was to reach national self-determination and they gave their lifes for it, showing an example of courage and loyalty to the posterity.

The standing committee of the Szekler National Council has met on Friday, September the 28th in Székelyudvarhely. Among other issues, the repeated rejection of Szeklerland's autonomy statute by the romanian senate was discussed. The committee decided to elaborate a detailed analysis on the reasons of rejection, and the further steps made necessary by it.

On the second day of their visit Barcelona, the Szekler National Council delegation was received by Josep Rull i Andreu, Deputy General Secretary of the CDC and Secretary of the Catalonian parliament. He informed the members of the delegation about Catalonia’s situation and perspectives. Izsák Balázs, the president of the Szekler National Council stressed again that the Szekler people supports the Catalan efforts, the creation of a free and independent Catalan state, as in a democracy, the will of the people must be respected and Spain also must accept this. Subsequently MP Mireia Canais i Botines presented to the guests the building of the parliament as well as the history and functioning of the institution.

After their visit to the Basque Country, the four member delegation of the Szekler National Council, led by president Izsák Balázs and consisting of Árus Zsolt, president of the Szekler Council of Gyergyószék, Bakk Miklos, political scientist and university professor, adviser of the President of the Szekler National Council, and Dabis Attila, the Szekler National Council’s Representative for Foreign Affairs came to Catalonia. The delegation was welcomed in the headquarters of the largest Catalan party, the CDC (Convergència Democràtica de Catalunya) on September the 12th by Víctor Terradellas i Maré, the party’s secretary for international relations. Following mutual information, the prospects for cooperation were discussed, and the guests presented in detail, their ideas for the European Citizens' Initiative. Víctor Terradellas i Maré promised to study the received documents, and decide on the forms of cooperation.

Answering the invitation of the Basque National Party (Euzko Alderdi Jeltzalea), the four member delegation of the Szekler National Council led by president Izsák Balázs arrived in Bilbao. On Tuesday, september the 10th, the guests were welcommed in the party’s headquarters by president Iñigo Urkullu, board members Iñaki Goikoetxeta and Aitor Olaizola as well as external relations coordinator José Mari Etxebarria. The delegation included Árus Zsolt, president of the Szekler Council of Gyergyószék, Bakk Miklós political scientist and university professor, adviser of the president of the Szekler National Council, and Dabis Attila the Szekler National Council representative for foreign affairs.

On the Day of Truth our first message goes to our people:

Let it be persistent in its fight, because the autonomy of Szeklerland is a real, reachable goal.

Two decades after the Tiananmen Square massacre, the Chinese communist power drew once again the world’s attention by committing another brutal violation of human rights. Beginning with the bloodsheds in Tibet, the military campaigns against the civilian population aimed at the annihilation of the Tibetan people, followed by the last weeks’ retaliations against the peacefully demonstrating Uyghurs, warn the world:

On the initiative of the Szekler National Council it was managed the visualization of Szeklerland in the virtual space. The ICANN, the highest organization responsible for the supervision and allocation of the domain names, in its communication of 13th of May accepted the .SIC highest level domain name as abbreviation of SICULITAS. So, from the first quarter of 2010 this could be the own internet domain name of Szeklerland. The translation of „Siculitas” today means „Szekler people”, but in the Hungarian administration of the Middle Ages the meaning was „ a community with self-government and freedom rights”. With the choice of this domain name the Szekler National Council would like to express not only a regional identity but also the historical roots of the Szekler freedom.

The autonomy, including the territorial autonomy of Szeklerland as well, means the institutional guarantee of the community rights of the Hungarians from Romania. The autonomy does not go against the territorial integrity of Romania and does not offend the interests of the Romanians. The different kind of minority autonomies well functioning inside the European Union as institutions of the democracy can be examples for Romania how the principle of subsidiarity is put into practise in a european manner.

The serious crisis precipitated in South Ossetia proved again that lasting peace and stability can be achieved only with the consistent application of the democratic principles laid down many times by the United Nations, the Council of Europe and the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe and the international community is responsible for the vindication of these principles.

Romania’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Adrian Cioroianu, voicing Romania’s official standpoint concerning Kosovo’s status, announced that Romania opposes the provision of collective rights for minorities. We would like to remind Romania’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, and all its competent public authorities, that the basic human rights are universal and are to be applied to everybody, since they emerge from the inherent dignity of the human being!

Preservation of the defencelessness of Hungarians in Transylvania, prevention of the creation of the autonomy of communities

The draft Act on the Status of Ethnic Minorities, which has been submitted to Parliament by the Romanian Government in agreement with RMDSZ, subordinates the Hungarian ethnic community living in Transylvania to a government-committed organisation, misleads the general public in Romania and in other countries, gives rise to the belief that it protects the identity and guarantees the equality of Hungarians, applying the principles of self-governing!

Our symbols




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SzNT cimerSzekler National Council
Sfântu Gheorghe, Konsza Samu street 21.
Covasna County – Romania
Mobil: (+40) 0744 834 617

The Bank Account Number of Szekler National Council
Siculitas Asociation

OTP BANK – Târgu Mureş/Marosvásárhely
LEJ: RO76 OTPV 3200 0036 0774 RO01
EUR: RO33 OTPV 3200 0036 0774 EU01
USD: RO90 OTPV 3200 0036 0774 US01
HUF: RO80 OTPV 3200 0036 0774 HU01