The Szekler flag is the symbol of Szeklerland and the Szekler peoples.
Located in the centre of Romania, spreading across 13.500 square kilometres, Szeklerland is a region that has been inhabited by the Szeklers, a peoples with Hungarian national identity, for over a thousand years. Throughout the past centuries, living on the eastern borders of western Christianity, they have created an independent culture and contributed to universal culture through many exceptional individuals. Their bright blue flag with a golden stripe bears ancient symbols, and in 2009, the Congress of Szekler Self Governments declared it the flag of Szeklerland.
This symbol does not violate Romanian laws, and it does not offend the majority population, still, the Romanian authorities are persistent in its persecution. The Romanian parliament adopted a law specifically to make it impossible to display the Szekler flag on public buildings of local authorities, and any mayor who does display it gets fined, threatened, and subjected to legal proceedings. In many cases, the gendarmes forcibly remove all Szekler flags displayed in public areas.
In Romania, the chauvinistic, hungarophobic, xenophobic, anti minority practices of the Romanian communist dictatorship continue to live on even 26 years after the political transition. The Ceausescu regime, the longest living and most ruthless tyranny of communist Europe, made a decision to demolish all villages for no other reason than to destroy centuries old Hungarian cemeteries, churches and in general all traces of Hungarian culture in Romania.
The Szekler National Council stands up for the fundamental values of law and democracy when they speak out against such disenfranchisement. Romania must respect the principles and norms of the United Nations, the Council of Europe and the European Union, pertaining to fundamental human rights, and they must cease with the persecution of Szekler symbols.
The Szekler National Council turns to the general public of the world, asking all people committed to friendship among peoples, peace and stability, to express their sympathy for Szeklers, in protection of the Szekler flag, and by doing so, assist Romania to break with its communist past, the practices of dictatorship and find the road towards democracy.
The Szekler National Council
Marosvásárhely 10-26-2016