On March 10 of each year, we present the Gábor Áron Award for the previous year. This year's awards care tied to last year’s greatest international success, which rightly bore the motto of the Szekler National Council: For Szeklerland we mobilize Europe! At the proposal of the President of the Szekler National Council, it has been decided that the following individuals will receive the Award this year:
- Erika Casajoana was the one who lead the citizens' initiative to victory in Spain, but also had decisive influence on the Belgian campaign and on the ultimate success. Erika Casajoana created a living connection between Catalonia and Szeklerland, promoting the initiative, the Szekler people and the Szekler National Council in Catalonia and throughout Europe.
- Dr. Dávid Sobor created the legal basis for the registration of national regions in a ten-year legal struggle. It is thanks to his work, his expertise and his hard work that we have won the lawsuit in Luxembourg.
- Attila Toró's spectacular, illustrative graphics accompanied every moment of the initiative, not only in Transylvania and Hungary, but throughout Europe. He also helped the campaign as an IT professional: it is thanks to him that our message reached millions of people in cyberspace. Not to mention that since the establishment of the Szekler National Council in 2003, he has been a volunteer graphic artist for the Szekler Autonomy movement, and all visuals associated with it are determined by his style.
They make up the the team that the organizing committee of the European Citizens' Initiative for National Regions, its representative, Balázs Izsák, and his deputy, Dr. Attila Dabis, the foreign affairs representative of the Szekler National Council, could always count on.
Contrary to tradition, the award ceremony will take place not in Marosvásárhely, but in Sepsiszentgyörgy, on March 10, 2022, at 1 pm in the Gábor Áron Hall.
The Press Service of the Szekler National Council
Sepsiszentgyörgy, February 7, 2022