The celebretion of the Szèkely (Sekler) Homeland.
On the 18th of November 2018, on the occasion of the centenary of the Sekler National Council that was founded in 1918, the main square of Sepsiszentgyörgy was filled with people who wished to stand up for the autonomy of Sekler land in person. At the grand centenarian meeting of the Sekler National Council, the organisers ‘ intention has been realised as the Sekler peoples along with the Transylvanian Hungarian community that stands in solidarity with them had this united rally when we remembered the struggles of the last hundred years, the founders of the Sekler National Council, the Sekler Division and the Hungarian autnomous province that was terminated 50 years ago. We remembered the grievance of the community but also the possibilities of action to be taken. The speakers: Làszló Tōkès, Europen Parliament Representative, Chairman of the Transylvanian Hungarian National Council, Zsolt Szilàgyi, Chairman of the Transylvanian Hungarian People’s Society, Jànos Mezei, Chairman of the Hungarian Civil Society, Sabin Gherman, Transylvanist activist and Balàzs Izsàk, Chairman of the Sekler National Council- were recalling the morale of the last hundred years- all emphasised that Romania will only become a lawful state and can only start developing if it respects the country’s regional and ethnic variegation and if it plans it’s future building upon the particular values of the historical regions instead of it’s assimilationist politics of the past hundred years. This even was also the celebration of the Sekler Homeland when the community has repeatedly enunciated it’s commitment to the autonomy of Sekler land. The community confirmed it’s will to form the future of the Sekler community on it’s own homeland by peaceful and democratic means within the frame of the Romanian state with the grant of the institutional guarantee of autonomy by law. Sending a definite message to Bucharest and to the world that the Seklers insist on their claim for autonomy!
Press Relations of the Sekler National Council, 18th November 2018, Sepsiszentgyörgy