United Nations A/HRC/13/25
General Assembly
Human Rights Council
Thirteenth session
Agenda item 3
Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, ncluding the right to development
Recommendations of the second session of the Forum on Minority Issues on minorities and ffective political participation
(12 and 13 November 2009)*
16. Where minorities are concentrated geographically, consideration should be given in ppropriate circumstances to devolving power, creating autonomous or other sub-State ivisions, or adopting other means to enable minorities to have a significant and direct mpact on matters that directly affect them. Such solutions need not detract from overall tate responsibilities, but might be based on the concept of “subsidiarity”, namely that ecision-making should generally occur at the lowest level of government consistent with he goals to be attained.
The whole document